Protecting Your Data When Working From Home | Pegasys Technologies

Protecting Your Data When Working From Home

The COVID-19 outbreak means that more Americans are working from home in an effort to minimize interactions with others and reduce the risk of spreading the disease. However, the move from a public office environment to one in your home may lead to an increased risk of cyberattacks. In order to safeguard your computer and information while working at home, there are several steps you should take to start protecting your data.

Why Your Small Business Should Be Using Cloud Based Software | Pegasys Technologies

Why Your Small Business Should Be Using Cloud-Based Software

Technology is constantly changing, and small businesses might find it difficult to find the resources or time to keep up.  However, there are some technological advances that small businesses need to be successful.  If your business is not already using cloud-based software, you should consider it.  A study by Gartner found that by 2022, up to 60% of organizations will use an external service provider’s cloud-managed service offerings.

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